8 ways to travel more

The start of a New Year brings new chances and new opportunities. A chance to re-do and start afresh. Stepping outside your regular life and seeing more of the world allows you to reboot, expand, grow and develop. Maybe it’s a two week vacation spent sipping cocktails poolside, maybe its trekking to Mt Everest Base camp or maybe this year you plan on eating French croissants, Italian pizza and chowing down on a currywurst in Germany. Either way there is plenty to see and do! Here are my seven tips to get you out and about:

  1. Buy yourself a nice thermos mug and some homebrew coffee and stop buying coffee out. You’ll get the same kick and save yourself anywhere from $3-6 a day. Instead set up an automatic bank transfer from your normal account to a savings account and deposit this $6 in every day. After six months you’ll have $1,008. Enough for return flight to Asia from Sydney!
  2. Enlist a friend or two! No better motivation than a friend who wants to do the same thing. Start talking, planning and booking.
  3. Get outside more often. Travel doesn’t have to be thousands of kms away in a foreign place where you can’t even pronounce the name of the main city. Find some local waterfalls, hidden beaches and untrodden paths.
  4. Just say yes. It seems so simple but sometimes you need someone to remind you to take the plunge. Maybe you’ve already done it, maybe your friend gave it a bad review or you’re feeling tired – ignore all that and just give it a go.
  5. Do what you scares you. Maybe hurtling down a snow-covered field makes you nervous, or jumping out of a plane makes you turn and walk the other way – whatever it is, book it and don’t think about it again. It could be one of the greatest adventures you go on this year.
  6. Create a budget. If money is always a concern, then create a budget. Yes it may be mundane and boring but once you see where your weekly pay goes, you’ll be more inclined to cut down and start saving. And once that savings account starts going up, you’ll be more motivated to plan a getaway.
  7. Learn another language. It’s exciting and stimulating to be able to speak more than one language, and it also makes travelling a lot easier! It might make you feel comfortable when exploring South America, or ordering food in Indonesia.
  8. Volunteer. Travelling and helping others? Yes please! You’ll walk away from this trip feeling inspired and good about yourself. And you’ve also seen another part of the world and been involved with new customs and new experiences. Winning!



