How to plan the ultimate trip

IMG_0755.JPGWe’re all guilty of seeing an epic photo on Instagram and instantly wishing we could there. We want to re-capture that same photo and have that same experience because it looks incredible. While it’s not wrong, doing some research and making a plan can ensure you choose the best trip for you. But where do you start? From wishing to doing it can seem a little complicated, but really all it takes is one step in front of another. Here are my tips to planning the ultimate trip:

  • This is a no-brainer, use the internet and talk to friends. Find out who has been where, who loved it and who hated it. The highlights and lowlights including people, climate, things to do, experiences and their feelings towards it. Research how expensive the city is, airfares, visas, climate, festivals during the time of year you want to go etc. This will give you knowledge of what to expect.
  • Look at alternate options. Maybe your friend got an incredible shot of New York in summer time, but you can only get time off in their winter and you hate the cold. Why not look at somewhere that’s hot and get an equally incredible photo of something else.
  • Do your research again.
  • Are you going alone or with someone? Sometimes a trip alone is just what’s needed to hit your reset button. Nothing is more rewarding than navigating yourself around a foreign country, but maybe you want to share your amazing experiences with a friend or partner. Talk to them and see if they want to join!
  • Make a draft itinerary. Choose what cities you want to see, parts you want to explore and allocate enough days to see it all. Then chuck in an extra few days for contingency plans.
  • Book your flight! If you’re planning way in advance, don’t worry as often the earlier you book your ticket the cheaper it will be!
  • Apply for a visa, if you need one.


Now all the major parts of your trip are taken care of and you know where you’re going and your airfare is booked, you can get down to the fun stuff! Use your draft itinerary and expand it. Make a list of places you want to experience in each city/place – this is the most exciting part!

  • foods to try
  • festivals to join
  • religious sites/temples to see
  • ruins to explore
  • mountains to hike
  • beaches to swim in
  • buildings to see
  • type of accommodation (hotel, hostel, homestay, air bnb – the list is endless!)

Now that the planning is done, you’ll be feeling super excited for the trip! Start putting away every penny you earn and top up that holiday account. Being able to join in an experience over there is worth so much more than a dinner out at your local. Focus on what you’ll soon be doing and saving won’t seem so hard! There is nothing worse than going home to find out about something you should of done, so make sure you read, read, read and read some more on the local history, culture and experiences to be had. Last but not least, enjoy every moment, including the ups and downs!
